Tuesday, March 29, 2011

WE had to go to a certain website that talked about mistakes that movies made. Some of the different shots were messed up and didn't make sense. I didnt really get any benefit from this. I felt like i didnt know what we were reading at first. I dont think it helped ver much.

Monday, March 28, 2011

I read the article on sexting. There was an eigth grade girl who sent a naked picture to her boyfriend. They later on did break up and he fowarded to her ex-friend. She then fowards it to many many people who then sent it to other people. The friend and the boy were fined and listed as sex offenders. I personally think it was a stupid thing that she did.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


In this video I liked several things. I liked how the camerea man showed different things and not the same thing over and over again just at different angles. It kept me interested. This video showed how there are other ways to stay in shape for work. People dont relize what the world is coming to in health wise. This is also a new way to keep from workers getting hurt.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

WE also watched a video on samples of new video shooting.  It showed many different ways to take and report somebody. Some of them were interesting and some of them were kind of different. I didnt like how some of them would take clips of the same thing just at different angles. It didnt show interesting things that caught my eye.